How to Protect Smartphones From Being Hacked

Life has been so easy with the use of mobile phones. Now everyone has a mobile phone as the cost of smartphones decrease with time. Many people using smartphones do not know how to be safe in the era of the Internet from being hacked. We must know the tips to be safe and secure while using mobile. If you use your mobile without good knowledge your mobile may be hacked. So in this post, we will share some tips, following those you may protect your phone from being hacked.

Strong Password

First of all, we will talk about the physical security of our phones. Make a strong password to open your phone. Don’t use passwords that can be easily hacked. Make sure that your phone password is long enough. Don’t use easy passwords like your date of birth, your name, your city name etc.     Whenever you set a password keep in mind that your password must contain the following

Capital and small letter alphabet, Special characters and numbers. A password containing all these things will be the strongest password.

Don’t Download Unauthorised Apps

Here we are talking about android phones because you can download any app on an android phone from outside the android play store. Dear Android users, be careful while downloading any app from an unauthorised source. The apps that are not listed on the authorized play store may have any malware that can send your personal information to hackers. This is the most famous way by which hackers hack your mobile. So never download any app from an unauthorised source.

Don’t Connect With Untrusted WiFi

This is another easy way to hack your mobile. People tend to connect their mobile with free wifi easily. However, this may dangerous regarding your sensitive information and data. Many people can hack your data when you connect your mobile with their free hotspot. So whenever you find free wifi verify the source of that wifi. Connect your mobile with that hotspot only if you know that wifi is from a trusted source.

Take Backup of Your Phone Regularly

Dear friends! Back up your data is the most important thing to prevent your mobile from being hacked. Today’s all mobile companies are providing their cloud storage where you can safely store your backup data and retrieve it easily into the new device. Suppose you regularly backup your data into any Cloud and your phone has been lost. What will you do? First of all, you will delete all data from a lost device. Now when you bring a new device you can transfer all your backed up data from the cloud to your new device. So you will get all your data back even if your mobile is lost.

Don’t forget to delete all data from your lost phone. It is very easy to delete your phone data remotely.

Keep Your Phone Updated

Regularly check if your phone is up-to-date. Keep your phone updated if any update is available. In every update, phone company improve their security level. Any hacker uses the loophole of your phone to hack your phone so whenever you update your phone that means you have the latest security patch in your phone. So to protect your phone from being hacked keep updating your device regularly.

Keep High Security Type Screen Lock.

To lock the screen of your phone you have many options but choose always the way in which you get high Security. Some of the screen lock options are as follows

  • Swipe – No security
  • Pattern – Mediam Security
  • Password – High Security

How to Manage Notification in smartphone

So use the high-security option. However, in some phones, there are biometric screen look options also. Face Detection and Fingerprints are also high-security options to lock the screen of your mobile.

This is the most important point you should keep in your mind. This is the era of the internet. No doubt that the internet has made our life very easy but it has a black side also. Use the internet very carefully and don’t click any suspected link. Don’t open suspected emails or messages. If you click on suspect links and open suspected messages, your personal information may be hacked. In the era of the internet, lots of hackers can make your phone’s clone. However, if you are aware of your security you can protect your phone from being hacked.

So keep you and your phone up-to-date.

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